For applications requiring enhanced protection for manipulators and the environment, Jacomex offers glove boxes, isolators and containment enclosures with adaptable safety levels and tailor-made designs.
Our engineers work directly with major nuclear contractors including operators, manufacturers, engineering companies, contractors, safety and radiation protection institutes, research centers and international organizations.
Our design office integrated within our production site provides our contacts with its technical know-how and flexibility. Direct exchanges make it possible to find technical solutions together in compliance with the security constraints in force.
Various Nuclear Application Fields
The experience acquired over the years enables us to offer our customers in the nuclear sector turnkey solutions such as high-quality containment enclosures, reliable and proven safety equipment, integration of machines for processes in R&D or in production. Faced with the challenges of the nuclear sector, our teams are the best partners to help manufacturers, research centers, institutes and international organizations to meet new challenges.
Our teams perfectly understand all the constraints related to the sector and will advise you on the working atmosphere necessary to achieve the objectives of your project. Our installations can operate under air but also under controlled atmosphere, always under negative pressure and in the strictest maintenance of safety rules.
Thanks to the quality of our offer, our glove boxes and containment enclosures are used in all sectors of the nuclear environment for various applications and processes:
Facilities operating under a controlled atmosphere with the integration of presses, laser cutting and a 3D printer have enabled the world’s first production of 3D printed objects in uranium-molybdenum and uranium- silicon in the Framatome-Cerca laboratories.
At the ESS (European Spallation Source) in Sweden, where the most powerful proton linear accelerator is being built, a recently installed custom-made glove box guarantees containment for component transfer operations to a shielded hot cell.
At ITER in Cadarache, the world’s largest fusion energy production site, Jacomex is working closely with nuclear engineering offices in the design of entirely tailor-made containment vessels.
Jacomex has been supplying glove boxes for the analysis of liquid radioactive samples on EDF CPNs in France for decades. In new European nuclear power plant sites, Jacomex is entrusted with the design and manufacture of lines of glove boxes with lead glass protection, in particular on behalf of EDF Energy UK for its Sizewell C and Hinkley Point C power plants. The main role of glove boxes is to ensure maximum protection of personnel and the environment against the risks of contamination associated with the handling of samples of corrosive or non-corrosive radioactive fluids.
For years, under the guarantee of the safeguard clauses of the IAEA, lines of Jacomex glove boxes have been used to carry out analyzes of samples of radioactive materials collected on sensitive nuclear fuel cycle sites around the world. IAEA safeguards are the measures implemented by this organization to verify that a State does not divert nuclear materials or equipment to develop or produce nuclear weapons. Glove boxes, in combination with advanced instrumental techniques and processes, help to determine the precise status and origin of radioactive materials.
Design of facilities for the safety of operators enabling the sorting of solid waste and secure management of transfers in sealed leak-proof drums. Jacomex brings all its expertise to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP/UNDP) for the delivery of glove boxes used for sorting waste in many countries in Central Europe, Africa and South America.
Many centers have made the safety of their facilities more reliable with Jacomex thanks to its regulation and safety valves mounted on chains of glove boxes. La Hague (France) and Rokkasho-Mura (Japan) reprocessing plants have selected us as their partner thanks to the proven reliability of our equipment.
Our facilities, recognized for their reliability, are still in operation on the Karlsruhe site in Germany, following the example of the Institut für Transurane (ITU) or the Institut für Nuklearentsorgung (KIT – INE). Our facilities allow in-depth studies on safety in the disposal of nuclear waste and optimization in the dismantling of nuclear facilities.
In France (historically within the CEA-IRSN) or internationally (CEN/SCK, CIEMAT, etc.), researchers use our glove boxes daily for their safety when handling radioactive samples such as actinides (uranium, plutonium, thorium, etc.). These studies come into play in separation processes in the context of spent fuel reprocessing, for the manufacture and radiochemical processing of radioactive targets, for nuclear waste storage studies or in research projects aimed at understanding the biological effects of ionizing radiation, particularly in the event of internal or environmental contamination (e.g. Tritium).
Manufacturers and operators trust us to deliver mobile units dedicated to the decontamination of slightly radioactive parts. Easily transportable, totally secure and fully autonomous, these custom-designed glove boxes ensure the decontamination or recycling of parts and waste directly in radioactive waste storage sites.
Faced with the growing demand for energy, nuclear power remains a preferred production solution in many countries. Whether in India, Europe or France, our teams provide facilities that enable the development of new generation reactors of the future. Our glove boxes notably allow spectacular advances in terms of the resistance of materials to corrosion.
The development and production of radioisotopes for pharmaceutical and medical use (Molybdenum, Strontium, etc.), in the form of sealed sources and originating in particular from research reactors and accelerators, requires the use of advanced technologies and ventilated containment enclosures with significant safety equipment.
The number of medical procedures using radioisotopes is constantly increasing, especially in relation to radionuclide therapies using radiopharmaceuticals for the treatment of cancer. Our company maintains privileged relations with industrialists and civil nuclear installations intended for the production of drugs for diagnosis and nuclear metabolic radiotherapy.
Jacomex is also one of the recognized specialists in the nuclear sector thanks to its regulation and safety valves in operation in all nuclear centers in France and abroad. Proven and reliable systems available in different versions depending on the desired flow rates, working volumes and ambient atmosphere.